Glassdoor Employer Centre

Unlocking the power of the Glassdoor Employer Centre

Creating a visual language that combines with a charismatic product and contribute to positioning the Ecobee 3 Smart Thermostat as a contender to Nest

A Canadian maker of Smart thermostats, Ecobee's challenge was to position their flagship product as a contender to the market leader, Nest.


The Employer Centre is the strategic location where authorized company representatives can follow the essential activities surrounding their company on Glassdoor.

Peak traffic coincided with the reception of the monthly Newsletter. From this moment on, user engagement would steadily dwindle... until the next newsletter.

The goal of the redesign was to help users uncover value faster, develop a habit of returning more frequently and eventually sign up for a paid account. This was achieved by elevating the Employer Centre from a static micro-site to a dynamic dashboard.

Kick off

The Employer Centre beta I discovered at project kick-off was a no-nonsense environment: users would be invited to start recruiting on Glassdoor by creating a Job posting, or reach out to a Glassdoor Sales representative. 

Users would directly land within the expanded "Jobs" section (note: no homepage), encouraged with a succinct invitation to "Start Recruiting on Glassdoor" by reaching out to a Sales representative.

The bare minimum of company-related information was there, but it felt like the product was missing a pulse, not delivering enough value nor creating any excitement.


The existing experience was straightforward – if not spartan – but lacking in excitement. 


The "Edit Profile" section delivered Company-related information:  Company Details, Description, Photos and Awards... The emphasis was still clearly on the dismissible upsell card "Are you ready to join the conversation?", inviting users to upgrade. 

Beating heart

As the numbers showed, employers were not enamoured with the existing experience. Also, the Company data collected by Glassdoor was not showcased to its full potential.

The strategic decision to switch from a purely functional proposition to a highly engaging and inspiring experience helped the team quickly reach alignment. 

A few brainstorming sessions enabled the team to identify a Dashboard concept as the perfect vehicle to celebrate the company's data and deliver an immediately rewarding and meaningful experience. Direct, up-to-date and visually fresh visualisations were a natural fit for such a dynamic component. The Dashboard itself would live at the highest level in a newly created "Home" tab, in essence functioning as the Centre landing page. This felt like the product was starting to feel more alive, having a "beating heart". 

Three pillars

Three content pillars were identified: 

1 – Help companies get a glance at how they are doing and monitor their online reputation
Including key metrics such as the number of company profile views, the number of employee reviews created, the overall company rating.

2 – Help companies be attractive to job seekers
Finding qualified candidates is a costly and time-consuming process. Companies putting their best foot forward with curated company photos or awards tend to attract more top talents.

3 – Entice companies to advertise their open positions
"Post a Job", an upsell card aimed at convincing users to advertise their open positions on Glassdoor. To do so, an account will need to be created.

Exploring the respective visual hierarchy of the three content pillars and how to balance functional versus upsell content. Should we ostentatiously draw attention to the upsell component? Should we just deliver instant value through Company data? Which pillar is most likely to help users build a habit of returning to the dashboard?


Adding one new key metric in the first section: the CEO Rating. A good rating signals how happy current workers are, making the company more attractive to top talents.

Post sign up, exploring the user Job posting budget information as well as the Job posting performance (through Impressions, Clicks, CPC).


Once the overall direction validated, I moved on to translate the wireframes into the Glassdoor branded visual language.

Although the task was primarily to play within the perimeter of the existing brand, there was an opportunity to lightly refresh the visual language, make it more contemporary (remove skeuomorphic drop shadows for instance). These stylistic improvements were possible as they aligned with our charter to make the experience simpler, more direct and restricted to the Glassdoor B2B sphere. Visualisations were also devised to be fresh, direct and inviting.


Creating a subtle and fresh visual framework for the visualisations to shine.


Explorations following a request to increase the marketing card visual impact...


... were promptly dismissed.

The final design : delivering value and impact through bespoke data, while striking the right balance between functional and upsell components.

05b – FINAL